
Siren Guard Review: An Ideal Travel Companion

by - July 27, 2018

There are many ways to protect oneself, but most of them entail escalating an already threatening situation. Travelers also lose many of the options otherwise available to them, as the TSA will not allow firearms or sharp blades on board. If you're looking for protection that you can take with you on a plane, then Siren Guard is for you.

Travel Dangers

Traveling is fun, and most people like to think that they are safe while they do it. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. Travelers are often in unfamiliar surroundings, sometimes alone, and may struggle to communicate with the local population effectively. Criminals couldn't ask for an easier mark.

Why You Need Siren Guard When You Travel

Siren Guard is a great way to protect yourself. The device is a key chain capable of producing up to 130dB of sound reminiscent of a siren for up to 30 minutes, so it's very likely to scare off an attacker as soon as it's activated. The noise it produces is piercing, so other people are likely to rush to your location if you require additional assistance. These two factors combined make it very likely that you will be able to avert catastrophe.

In addition, the device is easy to setup and use. Unlike competing products, there are no complicated apps or internet demands to figure out. Instead, you just pull out a pin from the side of the device to activate it, while pushing an easily visible button to turn it off. Personal protection has never been so easy!

Why These Traveling Entrepreneurs Chose Siren Guard

Siren Guard has already generated a buzz for itself online thanks to several testimonials written by traveling entrepreneurs. For example, Michael Asimos has a wine wholesale company that imports and exports quality wines around the globe. He has to travel a lot to sample foreign wines, sometimes forcing him to return to his hotel late at night with a little bit of a buzz. Siren Guard gives him peace of mind because he knows that he can use it to protect himself even while exhausted, according to his personal website.

Andrew Dorko also wrote a positive Siren Guard review on his website. He stressed how easy and inconspicuous it is to use, allowing people to protect themselves even if they're uncomfortable with the latest gadgetry.

Likewise, digital media expert Agam Berry praised the product in his recent Siren Guard Review on his personal Medium account. He gets up early in the morning, so he's out and about while it's still dark outside. Siren Guard allows him to feel safe without carrying a weapon, freeing him up to concentrate on his work.

Get A Siren Guard for Every Bag

Siren Guard is not available in stores, but you can purchase it today on SirenGuard.com. Since travelers often carry more than one bag on their trips, the manufacturer offers deep discounts on bulk purchases. If you purchase one for $42.90, you'll get a second one free! This is perfect for individuals who travel alone or with their spouse.

If you have more people to protect, buy two for $82.90 and get three more free! This is great if you have kids who shouldn't attempt to defend themselves in an altercation. You can also get a total of 10 for $122.90 or a whopping 20 for $202.90, allowing you to protect your entire extended family!

The Siren Guard is the perfect travel companion, so make sure to grab one before your next trip!

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