
Retiro Park - Madrid

by - November 25, 2009

A perfect place for Sunday afternoon. We have spent a long a weekend in Madrid and on our very first sightseeing tour we recognized this park called RETIRO Park in the middle of the city. People recommended us to visit it on Sunday because its really lovely that time. They were right.


The RETIRO is located near to the Prado Museum on the metro line No. 2. A huge green spot in the middle of the city having symmetric structure and a little lake in the middle. The whole place with this lake reminded me of the City park in Budapest but the difference is that in Madrid you can experience sunshine and warmth even in November.


A lot of people around, just like almost everywhere in Madrid's public place. I like the cities which are crowded. I am a big city type of guy and I do not mind noise of lot of people:)

Retiro Park, Madrid

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